Monday, March 9, 2009

Keep Your Deepest Secrets Safe With The USB Secret Diary & Software

Ok, so maybe it is just because I am of the fairer sex but I am all for keeping a diary (despite blogging half my life away on Facebook and Livejournal) and also, keeping it safe and secret, so when I stumbled upon the USB secret Diary I was somewhat euphoric!

The USB Secret Diary allows you to put fingers to keyboard and type away your most secret feelings and desires without ever worrying about lock, key, pencil and book again! Though I’ll admit to missing the pen and paper bit, this little baby has so much to offer, I reckon I’ll get over it quickly enough!

The USB Secret Diary has a numeric pad in order to enter your own specially chosen 4 digit pin which means you’re already safe to start with. It impresses by going that one step further by encrypting your stored entries via 256-bit AES crypto, and if this wasn’t enough, well then you’re going to LOVE this next bit. This little gem will take intruders on like James Bond and self destruct the data when someone tries to force their way in! (I would suggest a backup on another USB just incase) No good losing all your secrets due to your nosey little brother messing around with your stuff!

This USB Secret Diary is available with bundled software to ensure your diary acts just as a real-life one would. Fortune cookie, My Stars application, Dream Catcher, Thinking Deep, and Mood Art are the software applications that will increase your experience of enjoyment while writing in your diary. These applications make your practice more life-like and interactive while supposedly “reading your emotions” by displayng a colourful swirl in the heading depicting the emotion “sensed” in your writing. (Wow!)

I think I might buy a few at this rate; 1 or 2 for myself and 1 or 2 for my VERY IMPORTANT WORK (No … no … no … I’m not a spy, I promise!)

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